Saturday, January 14, 2012

Accept Your inner Goddess

Today, you will accept yourself just the way you are, without judgement. You will accept your mind the way it is, with all your emotions, your hopes and dreams, your personality, your unique way of being. You will accept your body just the way it is, with all it's beauty and perfection. Let the love you have for yourself be so strong that you never again reject yourself or sabotage your happiness, freedom and love.

From now on, you will let every action, every reaction, every thought, every emotion, be based on love. You will increase your inner Goddess until the entire dream of your life is transformed, from fear and drama to love and joy. Let the power of your inner Goddess be strong enough to break all the lies you were programmed to believe, all the lies that tell you you're not good enough, or strong enough, or intelligent enough, that you cannot make it. Let the power of your inner Goddess be so strong that you no longer need to live your life according to others. Trust yourself completely to make the choices you must make for yourself. With your inner Goddess, you will no longer be afraid to face any responsibility in your life or face any problems and resolve them as they arise.

Starting today, you will live your life being yourself and not pretending to be someone else just to be accepted by others. You no longer need others to accept you or tell you how good you are because you know what you are. You will feel such intense self-love that you will always enjoy your own presence.With this new power in your heart, the power of your inner Goddess, you will transform every relationship you have, beginning with the relationship you have with yourself.

Today is a new beginning.

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