Saturday, January 14, 2012

Daily Affirmations

Here's a few daily affirmations any true Goddess must say to herself on a daily basis and never forget who she really is. The best way to use these affirmations is through repetition. The more often you say them, the more they will impact your reality and reaffirm to the core of your being that these statements are true.

"I'm a wonderful person, and I'm doing a fabulous job."

"The fact that I was born means that I matter."

"No one can make me feel inferior without my consent."

"I will mean what I say and say what I mean."

"When I believe in myself so do others."

"I am no longer afraid of storms, for I'm learning to sail my ship."

"As I think a thought, energy is put in motion to create my new reality."

"I recognize the goodness in other people."

"My presence makes a difference in the world. I joyously take on the challenge of exploring my passions and pursuing my goals so that the world can benefit from my existence."

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