Saturday, January 14, 2012

From One Domestic Goddess To Another

Today's Domestic Goddess is not like ever before. We base our lives on reality TV Shows and this new expectation of women. Therefore we stress more. It's not easy to decide whether you will stay at home with the kids or leave them behind and go back to work. Either way we are basing ourselves on something that is not reality. In the olden days they did not have this much social tension on the ideal motherhood standards. It was simpler then and all women where more content then we ever will. Cause they based themselves on real reality. I say real reality because reality shows are tweaked they only show you what they want, there is no reality there. It's all fake. Feel better now, I hope you do. Take some of that stress out and live your life the way a women should.

 We have different pressures and we have more roles. Some may work from home and juggle watching the kids. We all still have to clean, cook, drive the kids to their different activities, help with last minute homework and the list goes on and on. We pressurize ourselves to be the perfect wife and mother basing ourselves on reality Tv shows and famous food stars.  Let me tell you they are all fake and they have a whole crew behind them. We think we are not good enough because we try to have everything under control. Your crew is your husband and kids and they are not always there to tweak your living room and add that extra touch to your dining room table. Yes we have our short cuts but how healthy is that for us and our families. As you may find yourself as general manager of the universe. There are ways to make it fun and staying on the right track.

Why is staying at home treated as a misfortune and domesticity a punishment? Money paid for goods and services adds to the economy but do raising children and supporting one’s own family have no value because money is not involved? Something to think about.

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