Saturday, January 14, 2012

Ways To Save On Our Groceries

Here's 10 ways you can reduce your grocery bill.
  1. Price match. No need to go to multiple stores to buy your groceries. As long as it's the same brand, weight and product. Most stores will price match write at the cash. 
  2. Stop paying for brand names. Bet you didn't know most generic brands are actually your brand name product packed in a generic name container. Which you pay less for.
  3. Use your points rewards towards free groceries. For instance PC points or Airmiles points give you the opportunity to purchase free groceries.   
  4. Discount chains can save you bundles. Why pay more for a higher end grocery store when you can get the same items cheaper at a discount store.
  5. Double check your receipt. Scanning errors occur more then you think. Some stores will give you the item for free if it doesn't come out at the sale price and if it's over 10$ you'll get 10$ off your entire purchase.
  6. Grow your own garden. You'll surely save on vegetables and fruits. 
  7. Make a list. Check what you already have in your pantry to make sure you don't double stock on certain items.
  8. Eat before you shop. You'll be more likely to avoid picking junk food and have a lighter bill to pay. So you won't just be saving on money, but you may drop a few pounds while your at it.
  9. Clip coupons. Who doesn't enjoy saving a buck or two.
  10. Buy in bulk. Instead of buying the one pack Kleenex box buy the 6 pack it will be cheaper per unit. This works best with non perishable items. Unless you have a big family or throwing a party where you can go for the club pack or family size chicken. But beware bulk is not always cheaper check the unit price it's usually well labeled under each product. Or just take out your phone and use the calculator. 

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